Thursday, March 19, 2009

My team

I know that all week I've been making silly posts on our blog to keep everyone motivated, but I must say that I'm quit proud of our team.  Everyone has been on time and no one has been absent, including today when we are working after the normal school schedule. Tuesday and Wednesday we showed a lot of team work preparing the Tianguis Codeni.  No one complained each time we rode the bus to our work site.  Even today, Karla and Alexa managed to squeeze in an afternoon basketball game and still make it on schedule.  

Well, tonight we will learn what all of that effort was for.  In an hour, we will be working with a few dozen CODENI kids.  I'll let my team speak for themselves in future posts.  
Away we go...

-Mr. Paul

PS : We had a good time too...


  1. We made a pretty example that day of working hard but proving that its also possible to have fun while working hard. I am also very happy to be a part of a group that is mature enough to not complain and be positive even today when we are working after the normal schedule of school. =) go CODENI 2009 WWW haha


  2. It is great that you could accomplish good team work and a positive attitude. Today our group also worked hard and we got all the oficios delivered after being like three hours in traffic, but we also worked with a positive attitutde. It was great that both teams were able to help CODENI in different ways.

  3. Sorry I forgot to put my name on the comment above.

    Alejandra Gonzalez
