We meet the children are taken up by doing last minute preparations for their greatly awaited tianguis. We are organizing the dollars and once again using teamwork to get the job done quickly. By reading the other groups blogs i noticed that my expectations were right about these kids and i'll just have to wait only a couple of minutes to be completely sure about them. They seem to be exactly like a memory i had when i was younger with my maids son, who was an extremely talented soccer player, but in the same conditions of poverty, fortunately not a street kid. But they seem to live in the same kinds of conditions and well all i can do is wait to see if its the same kind of person im expecting.
It all sort of boils down to this day because we've just met the association, we have met the place, and know we meet what this organization is all about, the kids. I hope its a layed back, positive enviroment and I'm going to try and spread as much sensitivity and positivity as I can, because i think that thats what they'll need.
We just finished organizin the money for the tianguis.. and it worked verynood